
Welcome! I'm so glad you're here.

This is where I post seemingly revised pieces I've written in the form of poetry, short stories, and other randomness. I'm a soon-to-be graduate student (fingers crossed!) trying to make her writer dreams come true. These pieces are a culmination of my journey so far. I hope they speak to you, even in the littlest way.

Thanks for reading & stopping by.

A little about the writer...

Name: Alexandra Rose

Dream job: Writer (but other fantasies include flight attendant, make-up artist, stylist, party planner, & mother)

Loves: Family & friends, my faith, day dreaming, fashion magazines, animals, Dr. Pepper, holidays, pinterest, Frank Sinatra, list making, flea markets, books, Carrie Bradshaw, fresh flowers, sitcoms, and carbohydrates.

Can be found: With her family, her love, friends, and dog. Thrifting, over analyzing, cooking or eating (mostly eating), rambling, laughing, meditating/praying. Feeling entirely blessed. With her head in the clouds, in a book, or up her ass.

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